One of the amazing things about The CABS’ network of student leaders is our growing number of alumni, whose success is eclipsed only by their willingness to give back to the membership by mentoring, coaching, and inspiring their successors. Throughout the year, we will turn the spotlight on a diverse group of past student executives, each who have made a unique impact on their universities, their fellow students, and most importantly, their communities. And what better way to start off this series then an interview with Justin Hein, the founder of CABS!
Justin got his first major start in extra-curricular activities as a past VP Corporate Relations for the Ryerson Commerce Society. Impressed with the potential he saw at the Roundtable conference, then run by the Canadian Business Student Councils, Justin pitched the idea of CABS to the Presidents of the Business Student Associations of Canada, and the rest is history!
As the first President of CABS, Justin was instrumental in building what is now the largest network of business students across the nation. During his time in the circuit, he managed to attend 26 conferences in 3 years – this impressive list includes 4 CABS Roundtables, 4 National Business Student Conferences, 3 Eastern Canadian Leadership Retreats, and stops at JDC West, JDC Central, and JDC. Justin is still active with CABS, offering key insight and advisory services for the management team, and he was recently featured as a keynote speaker at The CABS 2015 Canadian Business School Conference. An alumnus of the Ted Rogers School of Management – Ryerson University at Ryerson University, Justin makes his home in Toronto, Ontario.
What is your current occupation or role?
Justin: Right now, I’m in charge of the product development, user experience and front end development of, the world’s best bill of lading (BOL) tool. Now, BOLs are not the sexiest product challenge, until you realized over 250,000 searches are made each month for a BOL template. Right now the top result on Google looks like something made in geocities.
What motivated you to get involved on campus?
Quite simply, a buddy told me I should do it! Funny how a simple recommendation turned out – he definitely deserves some thanks!
What was your favorite part about being involved beyond the classroom at your university?
Hmmm… I would have to say, cliché as it might be, the friends I’ve met and kept. Just last weekend I was at a wedding in Montreal will a bunch of old JDC alumni. Ya, you could say it’s had a lasting effect!
What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment as a student executive?
CABS was a big challenge, and I’m excited about how it’s turning out! I’m also really proud of my successors – a huge thanks to people like Aneesh Lal, Adam Normand, and Calvin Parker for keeping the dream alive!
How has your extracurricular involvement helped you in your career?
I’ve leaned on my network extensively. Probably too much. I’ve definitely gotten a lot of mileage out of it!
Do you have any advice for our current members?
Don’t take yourself too seriously, and try to get your ego knocked down a few pegs early in your career – this will help tremendously!
We know business people are always working to expand their networks! What’s the best way to get in touch?
I’m available at, and you can always find me on LinkedIn!
Thanks to Justin for taking part in our inaugural feature! To close, a quick note by the current CABS President, Calvin Parker, on the organization’s founder: “Justin is tremendous. It takes real vision to conceptualize and execute on an idea like CABS, but as a natural and talented entrepreneur, he’s adept at creating things of lasting value. I’m fortunate for the opportunity to continue his legacy, and even more fortunate to call him a friend.”